Well, What's Your Solution?
Recently, I blasted Sen. Clinton's 'universal' health care proposal for not only missing the point, but for being a poorly disguised gift to the insurance companies too.
I believe that any plan that fails to understand that the larger problem is the insurance companies (rather than Hillary's notion that what we need is to force everyone into this awful system) just doesn't get it. As the wise philosopher Lewis Black said in the 2006 movie 'Accepted', "Health insurance, my ass! They don't pay for shit. You get sick on a Friday, they only pay for Monday through Thursday. You go to Doctor A, they only pay for Doctor B."
And it's ultimately an overpriced, inefficient mess.
Do I have a better idea, I can hear some Hillary supporters asking. It's not the most original, but sure I do. So here's how a President Blueduck would reform American health care.
What America needs-- not just what liberals want-- is a national, universal health care system... just like every other industrialized nation has. And because all these other countries beat us to the punch, we will able to see their strengths, and steal them as or own, and isolate the weaknesses, and avoid duplicating them.
We all know the general idea.... in exchange for a modest increase in taxes (and/or utilizing another revenue source), you get access to a guaranteed, universal system of national health care. Ideally, it would be more similar to the British system than any other.
Every adult citizen would receive a government-issued ID card (in addition to your drivers' license, or other ID) that you use for health care. Show it at the doctor, hospital, pharmacy, etc, and you will be covered at no personal cost to yourself. Children won't need an ID, as they'll always be covered. How to factor in illegal immigrants is a subject for debate.
As in the British system, an important part of health care will be promoting preventive care. Educate, not just medicate. I think it's safe to say American culture regards a 'healthy' lifestyle as some odd fetish.
Doctors won't be bound to the system... they may also practice privately if they choose.
But what about the freaked-out conservatives? You know, the ones who vehemently defend our socialized military, roads, police, firefighters, libraries, postal service, etc... but draw the line at health care (that's for private businesses to handle, thankyouverymuch!)? Fear not, my plan would factor in those who oppose such a system, whether based on principle or irrational fear.
My program would have an "opt-out" option. Those who didn't want to be a part of the national health care system could apply to opt-out (and wouldn't have health-care cards, etc, for free care at hospitals, etc). The amount taken in their taxes for the national system would be refunded to them in full as part of their tax refund (or as a deduction, something along those lines). They could then use that refunded $$ to seek private insurance or to pay out of pocket. Their choice, their option.
You know what, though? When all was said and done, I'd bet those who chose to opt-out would represent a very small number. Because at the end of the day, even many conservatives know the health insurance business is a scam, and that we would all be better off with a universal system that gives you health care, not paperwork and bills. Even if that means the scary ol' government is running it.