Friday, October 05, 2007

Iraq: Fun With Numbers!

This past summer, the Center for American Progress created an interactive, flash-based timeline of the "broken record we've been hearing from our leaders," looking at the continued statements of progress and calls for patience over the years. Now, they've created a new interactive map.

This one breaks down the cost(s) of this war on a state-by-state basis. How much is your state paying for Operation: Eternal Occupation? Click on the link and find out! I don't see the big deal... New York has only contributed a tiny $40-50 billion or so.

Meanwhile, an analysis of the cost of war shows this all costs a measly $720 million a day. See? A huge bargain! Some damn hippies, though, pointed out that $$ could instead "buy homes for almost 6,500 families or health care for 423,529 children, or could outfit 1.27 million homes with renewable electricity." And who wants that junk?

Finally, Bill Moyers did a report trying to figure exactly where all this money goes.


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