How I Feel

[Related reading:
-Talking Points Memo: Is it just me or has George W. Bush checked out of the stumbling national crisis we know as 'Iraq'?
-TPMCafe: Your Handy Guide To Where Potential '08 Presidential Candidates Stand On Iraq]
"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin." -- Linus van Pelt in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Victory!!!! We finally found video of Saddam using his WMDs!!!-
As the world worried about Saddam Hussein’s quest for nuclear and biological weapons, he took time out to discuss with his top advisers the merits of a decidedly more primitive arsenal: slingshots, Molotov cocktails and crossbows.
In a previously undisclosed video, apparently shot in the months before the American-led invasion in 2003, Mr. Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, beams as military officers display and demonstrate low-tech weapons spread on a table in a ceremonial room. Whether the episode shows genuine preparation for an insurgency or was merely a bizarre propaganda exercise is unclear...
Last month, after the mysterious murder of an anti-establishment Russian journalist, I asked "I wonder how that happened? Me thinks Bush's friend Pootie-Poot is a bad man." At this point, that seems more of a statement than a question.
Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko died in a London hospital on Thursday three weeks after he was poisoned in what friends said was a plot orchestrated by the Kremlin.
Russia has dismissed the allegation as nonsense, saying it was silly to suggest the Kremlin wanted to kill Litvinenko, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin...
...British police said they were investigating what they called the "unexplained" death.
If Moscow were found to have had a hand in his poisoning there could be far-reaching diplomatic consequences. It would be the first such incident known to have taken place in the West since the Cold War...
How was your Thanksgiving? Good good.
Ted Haggard was one of the most prominent evangelical leaders in the nation until he admitted to having a sexual relationship with a male prostitute and buying meth.
Focus on the family founder James Dobson, who considers Haggard a “close friend,” told CNN’s Larry King last night that he was “asked to serve on a three person restoration panel.” One purpose of the panel, Dobson acknowledged, was to “restore [Haggard] from being gay to not gay.” Dobson said he didn’t have time to participate, however, because such a process “could take four or five years.”
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them...
There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'"
President Bush is set to meet with Iraqi prime minister Nuri al-Maliki next week... in Jordan. Huh. Seems odd to have such a major summit about Iraq not in Iraq, you know where people and fighting and dying every day for the mission the President has staked our lives and reputation on. But when, after 3.5 years, they can't even secure the airport runway, it's no wonder Bush (and Maliki) want to stay away. Anyway, from the article-
...The White House announcement of the November 29-30 meeting in Amman came as Bush faces calls to begin a phased withdrawal of US troops and engage Syria and Iran on Iraq.
Bush and Maliki said in a joint statement that they will review a panel's discussions on the transfer of security from US troops to Iraqi forces as well as the role of Iraq's neighbors.
"We will focus our discussions on current developments in Iraq, progress made to date in the deliberations of a high-level joint committee on transferring security responsibility and the role of the region in supporting Iraq," the leaders said in a statement distributed by the White House on Air Force One, as Bush returned from a week-long trip in Asia...
"I've concluded that it's a mistake to entrust the cause of American idealism and Arab reform to a movement led by people who plainly loathe Arabs (Palestinians 'behave like lemmings' wrote [the New Republic's Marty] Peretz two weeks ago before observing last week that Iraqis now lack 'even the bare rudiments of civilizations') and couldn't care less about their well-being except insofar as pretense to caring is a useful club with which to batter domestic political opponents.
Speaker-to-be Pelosi is looking out for now-out-of-work Republican staffers this holiday season-
Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has drafted legislation that would grant soon-to-be-unemployed Republicans severance pay while they look for jobs after Democrats take over control of the chamber on Jan. 4, according to a senior Democratic aide.
Democratic aides have kept details of the proposed severance package secret, such as how much former Republican aides would receive and who would be eligible for compensation...
...Giving House Republican aides a uniform severance package would fall in line with Pelosi’s declared desire to create a good working relationship with Republicans and not fritter away her limited political capital by settling the score for past slights. But if she offers the severance bill, she would be acting more generously than Republicans did toward Democrats when they captured the House 12 years ago...
Republicans vacating the Capitol are dumping a big spring cleaning job on Democrats moving in. GOP leaders have opted to leave behind almost a half-trillion-dollar clutter of unfinished spending bills...
...The bulging workload that a Republican-led Congress was supposed to complete this year but is instead punting to 2007 promises to consume time and energy that Democrats had hoped to devote to their own agenda upon taking control of Congress in January for the first time in a dozen years...
...It will be no small test of the incoming Democratic majority, which has yet to develop a plan to cope with the more than $460 billion in unfinished budget business. The Democrats' problem is made even more complicated because President Bush in early 2007 will send Congress a bill that could exceed $130 billion for continuing the war in Iraq, according to Capitol Hill aides....
Here is the no-shit headline of the week: "Blair: Force alone can't beat terrorism"
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said military force alone cannot defeat terrorism, acknowledging Sunday that solving the Mideast crisis was key to curbing violent extremism...
...Sunday's meeting between the two leaders, crucial players in the U.S.-led war on terror, led to the signing of security, aid and education packages aimed at promoting a moderate brand of Islam and preventing Pakistan becoming a haven for extremists bent on attacking Western interests...
...Britain and its allies are supplementing the U.S.-led military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq with increased help for reconstruction projects, and a new impetus to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Blair said...
"This global extremism is an ideology that exploits grievances. So what we have to do is at the same time as we are taking on the ideology, we have to take away those elements of grievance," he said at the Punjab Governor's Residence in Lahore...
By bringing up the draft, Rep. Rangel hoped to renew a real debate how frivously we fight wars, and who has to go fight them... only it's not working out that way. The headline-focused news is reported is making Rangel out to be a crazy person who loves the war and wants to send more kids to die. Should Rangel have seen that coming and not bothered this time around? That's my opinion, but others disagree. Here's what some have to say on this issue-
I assumed the Democrats' victory put an end to any administration plans for military confrontation with Iran, #2 on the neocons' to-do list. Seymour Hersh, however, says that they still won't rule it out. I trust Hersh, and I don't trust the White House, so I'll take that at face value.
A classifed draft CIA assessment has found no firm evidence of a secret drive by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, as alleged by the White House, a top US investigative reporter has said...
If the religious rights win the '08 primary battle, the Republican candidate will be former Mass. governor Mitt Romney.
Elsewhere in the Middle East, more upheaval, luckily this one ain't our fault...
Lebanon braced on Wednesday for a bitter power struggle after the assassination of an anti-Syrian Christian cabinet minister which his allies blamed on Syria.
Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was gunned down on Tuesday as he drove in a Christian suburb of Beirut, becoming the sixth anti-Syria politician to be killed in nearly two years...
...A U.N. investigation has implicated Lebanese and Syrian security officials in Hariri's murder. Damascus denies any links. It also strongly condemned Gemayel's killing.
The assassination is certain to heighten tensions in Lebanon amid a deep political crisis pitting the anti-Syrian majority against the pro-Damascus opposition led by Hezbollah, which is determined to topple what it sees as a pro-U.S. government...
"In a post-Sept. 11 world, I thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic."
As long as Dennis Miller isn't the host, I'll give it a try.
Lexington Herald-Leader: Hippies still trying to ruin the country
"An Inconvenient Truth" is on DVD today.
Here is President Bush, yesterday, unintentionally admitting he has no plan for Iraq:
August 2005: President Bush said Thursday no decision has been made on increasing or decreasing U.S. troop levels in Iraq, saying that as "Iraqis stand up, we will stand down" and that only conditions on the ground will dictate when it is time for a reduction in U.S. forces.
April 2004: "Gen. John P. Abizaid, the senior commander in the Middle East, has asked for contingency plans for increasing the number of troops in Iraq. No decision has been made to supplement the 134,000 troops now there, and White House officials said it was unclear whether such a move would help the situation."
November 2003: "The President is going to do what is most effective in Iraq, and he gets recommendations from his commanders on troop levels and what is needed. No decisions have been made about future troops levels," said National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice.
Pentagon officials conducting a review of Iraq strategy are considering a substantial but temporary increase in American troop levels and the addition of several thousand more trainers to work with Iraqi forces, a senior Defense Department official said Monday.
The idea, dubbed the “surge option” by some officials, would involve increasing American forces by 20,000 troops or more for several months in the hope of improving security, especially in Baghdad. That would mark a sharp rise over the current baseline of 144,000 troops...
But some officials and senior military officers are arguing against the idea, saying that it could undercut a sense of urgency for Iraqi units to take on a greater role in fighting the insurgency and preventing sectarian attacks. Gen. John P. Abizaid, the head of the United States Central Command, told Congress last week that the military was stretched so thin that such an increase could not be sustained over the long term.
Prepare for right-wing freakout... the debate is coming.
On Friday, I posted on the President appointing as new chief of family-planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services a religious nutcase named Eric Keroack who teaches abstinence-only and doesn't believe in contraception, even for adults. You can see his disturbing slideshow presentation- here. Just the kind of person you want in charge of family planning, right! Bushie, you're doing a heckuva job again!
With Murdoch axing the O.J. project, it's time to invest in a new one-
New York - Publisher Judith Regan announced today an agreement between ReganBooks and Vice President Dick Cheney for a book he will write (with his wife) titled If I Did It: Faking the Case for War, a hypothetical account of how he would have cooked the intelligence that led to our invasion of Iraq, if he had done so.
Asked if she considered Cheney's book to be his "confession" for lying us into a disastrous war, she said, "No."
There is also a TV special planned, to be aired during February sweeps.
Boltin' Joe now has a chairman for his party...
Lamont beat Lieberman in a bitter Democratic primary, which forced the incumbent to use a backup option he’d been preparing for months. The day after the primary, Lieberman handed state election officials more than 7,500 signatures supporting his bid to run as a candidate of the Connecticut for Lieberman party.
At the time, Orman protested that there really was no such party, and that Lieberman was simply manipulating the election system to invalidate the outcome of the Democratic primary. Election officials disagreed and Lieberman said he’d been forced to take that route in order to allow all of Connecticut’s voters the opportunity to vote for him...
...Orman’s response was to trot down to his local registrar’s office to try to switch his party affiliation from Democrat to Connecticut for Lieberman, which is something no one else has done.
Although that switch isn’t official yet, Orman waggishly proceeded to convene a one-man party organizational meeting and elected himself “chairman.”
Chairman Orman also passed some rules for the party, including one requiring that, “If you run under Connecticut for Lieberman, you must actually join our party.”
Another of his tongue-in-cheek party rules reads as follows: “If any CFL candidate loses our party’s nomination in a primary, that candidate must bolt our party, form a new party and work to defeat our party-endorsed candidate.”
"I would really, really like to write about something other than Iraq. Aside from the fact that I'd like it to stop descending into oblivion (or "bolivion," as Mike Tyson would say), I personally would simply enjoy someday writing about Iran, or North Korea, or Turkey or China or Russia, or even -- not to get crazy or anything -- some region of the world which our foreign policy isn't screwing up.
Much ink is being spilled over Rep. Rangel's renewed call for the reinstatement of a military draft, with only passing mentions being made to Rangel's true intentions, so I will give my two cents. I think Rangel is not doing his party any favors with this (it gives the other side easy headlines), but I can sympathize with his intentions.
House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi said Monday her new Democratic majority will extend a hand to Republicans in moving the agenda of relieving the "middle-class squeeze." She said restoring the military draft will not be part of that agenda when Democrats take over the House in January.
Pelosi, following a strategy meeting with the next House majority leader, Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said she will meet with incoming House Minority Leader John Boehner and "we'll find our common ground for the American people."
"The principle of civility and respect for minority participation in this House is something we promised the American people. It's the right thing to do," she said.
Pelosi and Hoyer repeated that in the first 100 legislative hours of the new Congress that convenes in January, they will try to pass bills that directly affect the pocketbooks of working-class and middle-class people, including raising the minimum wage, cutting interest rates for student loans and allowing the Medicare program to negotiate lower drug prices.
Other top priorities for January are lobbying reform, implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and rolling back subsidies to the oil industry...
One can only wonder if years from now, historians will try to chart Sen. McCain's path from respected, straight-talking lawmaker to delusional, phony right-winger. I for one am shocked by just how quickly it happened... this man survived years of brutal torture in Vietnam, but a couple years of Bush and Cheney and the guy cracks. How sad.
Long weekend, trying to catch up on other things... will have some posts up later.