2005 In Review- Don't Forget New Orleans
'Nuff said.

"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin." -- Linus van Pelt in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
From Barry Crimmins at the Boston Phoenix comes the absolute best political year in review article I have read so far. All of the major stories and issues are covered in an informative, yet humorous, way. It's quite engaging. He starts off with Duke Cunningham's tear-filled confession, moves onto to Diebold, then the media, then the Plame case, more Congressional scandals, how 'Camp Casey' helped reshape the war debate, the aftermath of Katrina, the Miers nomination, the wiretapping scandal, then the Iraqi elections, and wraps it all up for us in four well written pages.
Earlier this month, Time magazine named Bill and Melinda Gates as its People of the Year for their activism and their work in mobilizing efforts to tackle world poverty. Rolling Stone in turn named their favorite 'Mavericks, Renegades, and Troublemakers' of the year including Cindy Sheehan, Rep. Jack Murtha, Capt. Ian Fishback, George Clooney, and Kanye West.
Well here we are at the end of 2005. What a year, huh? I'm going to just do a series of 'year in review' posts today and that will be it. I'll be back when I wake up tomorrow, which might not be until Monday. So enjoy these posts for now and have a Happy New Year. May this year's movement toward accountability in government be merely a preamble to the full document ahead.
2006 will be an interesting year for sure.
The political establishment here is on edge as a former top lobbyist embroiled in a wide-ranging corruption scandal appears poised to reveal some dark political secrets...
...[F]ormer lobbyist [Jack Abramoff] is reportedly negotiating a plea deal with Justice Department prosecutors and his insider revelations could rock the political establishment in the nation's capital.
Such a deal would likely see Abramoff, 47, serve a reduced prison term in return for a guilty plea and an agreement to testify against former associates in related fraud and bribery cases...
Anyone advocating the impeachment of the President is asking for a terrorist attack.
More articles/editorials looking at the President's latest constitutional crisis-
...The alarming argument is that as Commander in Chief he possesses "inherent" authority to suspend laws in wartime. But if he can suspend FISA at his whim and in secret, then what law can he not suspend? What need is there, for example, to pass or not pass the Patriot Act if any or all of its provisions can be secretly exceeded by the President?
Bush's choice marks a watershed in the evolution of his Administration. Previously when it was caught engaging in disgraceful, illegal or merely mistaken or incompetent behavior, he would simply deny it...
...But in the wiretapping matter, he has so far exhibited no such vacillation. Secret law-breaking has been supplanted by brazen law-breaking. The difference is critical. If abuses of power are kept secret, there is still the possibility that, when exposed, they will be stopped. But if they are exposed and still permitted to continue, then every remedy has failed, and the abuse is permanently ratified...
...A year ago, we didn’t know that Mr. Bush was lying, or at least being deceptive, when he said at an April 2004 event promoting the Patriot Act that “a wiretap requires a court order. ...When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.”
A year ago, most Americans thought Mr. Bush was honest.
A year ago, we didn’t know for sure that almost all the politicians and pundits who thundered, during the Lewinsky affair, that even the president isn’t above the law have changed their minds. But now we know when it comes to presidents who break the law, it’s O.K. if you’re a Republican.
...Executive searches without judicial review violate the unique checks and balances that the nation’s founders created in the U.S. government and are a considerable threat to American liberty. Furthermore, surveillance of Americans by the NSA, an intelligence service rather than a law enforcement agency, is a regression to the practices of the Vietnam-era, when intelligence agencies were misused to spy on anti-war protesters -- another impeachable violation of peoples’ constitutional rights by LBJ and Nixon.
President Bush defiantly admits initiating such flagrant domestic spying but contends that the Congress implicitly authorized such activities when it approved the use of force against al Qaeda and that such actions fit within his constitutional powers as commander-in-chief. But the founders never intended core principles of the Constitution to be suspended during wartime. In fact, they realized that it was in times of war and crisis that constitutional protections of the people were most at risk of usurpation by politicians, who purport to defend American freedom while actually undermining it...
In the face of ever-growing facts and revelations, how can the President's supporters continue to defend him?
...Most people saw the fans supporting Michael Jackson throughout his trial and cheering for him outside the courthouse as an embarrassment. That’s how most of the country and the rest of the world are beginning to see Bush supporters. The party is over and these guys keep going back up to Neverland...
...Ignored Hurricane Katrina victims. No problem, pass the Jesus Juice. Ignored the constitution and did warrantless searches of American citizens. No problem, pass the Jesus Juice. Passed more tax cuts in the middle of an out of control, record deficit. No problem, pass the Jesus Juice. Never caught Osama and isn’t even trying. No problem, pass the Jesus Juice.
Remember as Nixon was being pushed out the door in lieu of impeachment, 25% of Americans still supported him. You just can’t shake some people, no matter how overwhelming the evidence. Michael just loves kids. OJ didn’t do it. Nixon meant well. And Bush is just trying to protect us. Pass the Jesus Juice...
...Of who leaked the Bush/NSA information to the New York Times.
The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of classified information about President Bush's secret domestic spying program, Justice officials said Friday.
The officials, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, said the inquiry will focus on disclosures to The New York Times about warrantless surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks...
Yesterday I wrote an entry on why impeaching the President during wartime would not harm our democracy as some Bush supporters claim. As I do occasionally with some entries, I crossposted it to the LiveJournal Democrats community. There are two resident Bush supporters who troll that community; they always pop up in comments with defenses of Bush of a Hannity-esque quality. I was pleased to get responses from both. The first just wondered what exactly made me think Bush had done anything impeachable. The second (a little nicer) said it was well written, but I had a 'flawed premise'.
If Bush's defense hangs on the Afghanistan war resolution, then yes he is in trouble. That resolution did not grant him the authority he claims it did. If you believe it did, then what limits do you believe there are on his power? If he can bypass judicial oversight (etc.) and do all these things, do you personally feel there are any limits on his 'wartime' power? Bush's argument is just the 2005 version of Nixon's executive privilege nonsense. We live in a democracy; there are rules and procedures to be followed.
Bill Clinton was impeached and I will go out on a limb and guess that you supported that. Why? Because he violated the law. Republicans back then assured everyone that was not a partisan act, but simply about the rule of law. We are now seeing how false and hypocritical that was.
PS- Members of Congress were quite clear the Afghanistan resolution did not grant him carte blanche war powers:
"Some people say that is a broad change in authorization to the Commander in Chief of this country. It is not. It is a very limited concept of giving him the authority to pursue those who have brought this terrible destruction to our country and to pursue those who have harbored them or assisted them and conspired with them in any way."
-Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) [Congressional Record, 9/14/01]
"The body of this resolution is appropriately limited to those entities involved in the attacks that occurred on September 11th… It reiterates the existing constitutional powers of the President to take action to defend the United States, but provides no new or additional grant of powers to the President."
-Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) [Congressional Record, 9/14/01]
"In extending this broad authority to cover those ‘planning, authorizing, committing, or aiding the attacks’ it should go without saying, however, that the resolution is directed only at using force abroad to combat acts of international terrorism."
-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) [Congressional Record, 9/14/01]
"The resolution is not a blank check. We do this with our eyes open and in fervent prayer, especially the prayer that President Bush and his national security team will be lavished with wisdom from God above to use only that force which is truly necessary and only that force which is truly appropriate."
-Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ) [Congressional Record, 9/14/01]
Thanks for the compliment.
Regarding the idea that an argument for Bush's impeachment is flawed, I disagree. He broke the law; that much is clear. His only defense seems to rest on (as I wrote) that as a wartime President he must have the power to bypass the law. If you agree with that, that's very scary. Bush's use of the Afghanistan war resolution as a defense is the flimsiest excuse since "Executive privilege says these tapes belong to me!!".
The President had all the tools he needed to do the wiretaps. The FISA court is a secret court and barely a hurdle or a step; basically, it's a rubber stamp. They've almost never rejected a warrant. And if the President needs to order surveillance quickly in an emergency, he can certainly do so, but only has to then get a retroactive warrant within 72 hours. The only defense for why they didn't do that was because they were lazy. The embarassingly minimal requirements were just too cumbersome for him... and so the President deemed himself above the law.
A pretty scary notion considering we're supposedly spreading democracy all over the world.
Finally, if we accept Bush's defense that he had the right to bypass these requirements due to his 'inherent' powers as a wartime President, then where do we draw the line? If this is the case, then why bother with any laws? The President can do as he sees fit. The argument over the Patriot Act is moot; the President doesn't needs its provisions, he can just do it all anyway. John McCain and others wasted their time getting the President to agree to torture ban; the President can just order illegal torture when he wants if he says it was for 'national security' reasons. Etc etc...
We are right to defend freedom overseas, but it is hypocritical to be deeming the most basic aspects of a democracy moot simultaneously. If we do, our soldiers are dying for nothing, and we are headed down a very dangerous road that was supposed to have fixed after Nixon resigned.
Take THAT, Democrats!
The U.S. will carry out planned withdrawals of American troops in Iraq only from regions where Iraqi forces can maintain security against the insurgents, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said Thursday.
Gen. Peter Pace said the current force of 160,000 would drop to below 138,000 by March, then U.S. commanders on the ground would work with the Iraqi government to determine the pace of future pullbacks in areas that have been secured by local security forces...
Only one more day left in 2005. Bush = stoked.
One of the top objections to impeaching the President I have heard is that impeaching the president in a time of conflict would undermine the war and be a sign of weakness to our enemies. It's a fair point; I certainly prefer it to the "Bush didn't do anything wrong! Libs wanna help terrorists!~ OMG Clinton did it too!!11!" talking points. Still, I strongly disagree.
Only in the NY Post can I find the ramblings of William Kristol and Robert Novak on the same page-
"People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook."
"[Y]ou can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror."
Forty-one percent (41%) of U.S. adults believe that Saddam Hussein had "strong links to Al Qaeda."
Twenty-two percent (22%) of adults believe that Saddam Hussein "helped plan and support the hijackers who attacked the United States on September 11."
Twenty-six percent (26%) of adults believe that Iraq "had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded."
Twenty-four percent (24%) of all adults believe that "several of the hijackers who attacked the United States on September 11 were Iraqis."
There is a great article in this week's Village Voice on the President's 'acceptance' of John McCain's anti-torture legislation amendment and all the other new laws and loopholes that may, in effect, render it pointless. I guess all that matters is that now both Sen. "Is it 2008 yet?" McCain and President "Is 2005 over yet?" Bush can pat themselves on the back for tackling torture, even if they really haven't.
Some web surfing found the following quote of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) from a 1999 Congressional record. You may remember Ms. Hutchison as the Senator who thought Scooter Libby's indictment was totally unfair. Anyway, here's what she said on February 17th, 1999:
Links for lunchtime reading...
Neocon superstar William Kristol currently sees nothing wrong with the President's actions:
Was the president, in the wake of 9/11, and with the threat of imminent new attacks, really supposed to sit on his hands and gamble that Congress might figure out a way to fix FISA, if it could even be fixed? The questions answer themselves.
The lines have been drawn. What Republicans now need is the nerve to fight. They must stand for, to quote Helprin again, 'the rejection of intimidation, the rejection of lies, the rejection of manipulation, the rejection of disingenuous pretense, and a revulsion for the sordid crimes and infractions the president has brought to his office.'
More fun with the NSA...
The National Security Agency's Internet site has been placing files on visitors' computers that can track their Web surfing activity despite strict federal rules banning most of them.
These files, known as "cookies," disappeared after a privacy activist complained and The Associated Press made inquiries this week, and agency officials acknowledged Wednesday they had made a mistake. Nonetheless, the issue raises questions about privacy at a spy agency already on the defensive amid reports of a secretive eavesdropping program in the United States...
The Washington Post has a primer on the man who embodies all that is wrong with Washington DC-
Did you know there were WMDs in Iraq?
Two related stories about the military being concerned about the seemingly harmless actions of its members and/or veterans...
As those thinking of becoming soldiers arrive on the slushy doorstep of the Army recruiting station here, they cannot miss the message posted in bold black letters on the storefront right next door.
"Remember the Fallen Heroes," the sign reads, and then it ticks off numbers - the number of American troops killed in Iraq, the number wounded, the number of days gone by since this war began.
The sign, put up by a former soldier, has stirred intense, though always polite, debate...
In a development that is worrying US military commanders in Iraq, a growing number of US soldiers - 200 at the last count - have set up their own blogs, or internet diaries, and are updating them from the battlefield...
...It is a phenomenon that has inevitably raised concern among commanders. In April the US military published its first policy memorandum on websites maintained by soldiers, requiring them to have official approval before starting internet postings.
Iraq, the little democracy that could. Go, democracy, go!
Kurdish leaders have inserted more than 10,000 of their militia members into Iraqi army divisions in northern Iraq to lay the groundwork to swarm south, seize the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and possibly half of Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city, and secure the borders of an independent Kurdistan.
Five days of interviews with Kurdish leaders and troops in the region suggest that U.S. plans to bring unity to Iraq before withdrawing American troops by training and equipping a national army aren't gaining traction. Instead, some troops that are formally under U.S. and Iraqi national command are preparing to protect territory and ethnic and religious interests in the event of Iraq's fragmentation, which many of them think is inevitable...
A late Christmas present...
Former top Enron Corp. accountant Richard Causey pleaded guilty to securities fraud Wednesday and agreed to help pursue convictions against Enron founder Kenneth Lay and former CEO Jeffrey Skilling...
As a followup to my post about the NY Post editorial, I present this excellent Village Voice article (from Sydney Schanberg's Press Clips series) of a similar note-
The domestic spying controversy is a story of immense importance... Some Bush supporters have attacked the Times for running the piece. On the other hand, some journalists have attacked theTimes for holding it for a year. From where I stand (I'm a Times alumnus), the paper should get credit for digging it out and publishing it. But whatever one's journalistic point of view, the Times' decision-making is not the central story here. The president's secret directive is.
...As for his drumbeat claims that he is honoring the Constitution and the nation's laws, then why did a FISA judge resign, and why are his colleagues now demanding intelligence briefings on the president's secret sidestepping of their jurisdiction? Why are moderate Republicans leaving Bush's side over these issues—all of which have their origin in the president's self-expansion of power as he devised the invasion and ongoing war in Iraq?...
Again, as with the Jose Padilla mess, the White House's beliefs that they must be above the law in order to better prosecute the war on terror are likely only to undermine those very efforts...
Defense lawyers in some of the country's biggest terrorism cases say they plan to bring legal challenges to determine whether the National Security Agency used illegal wiretaps against several dozen Muslim men tied to Al Qaeda...
...The expected legal challenges, in cases from Florida, Ohio, Oregon and Virginia, add another dimension to the growing controversy over the agency's domestic surveillance program and could jeopardize some of the Bush administration's most important courtroom victories in terror cases, legal analysts say...
A hump day in between holidays? Now that's depressing. Here's some links...
Every day on the subway I see many people reading the New York Post; it is definitely the most-read paper by commuters. And I wonder why. It's quick and easy to read? The endless celebrity gossip and tabloid nonsense passing itself off as news is amusing at 8am? The sports section? Mallard Fillmore in the comic section? Suduku? Because I refuse to believe that a city filled with intelligent and bullshit-proof people would want to get their news and current events from Rupert's rag, a paper so awful in terms of journalism it makes Hannity & Colmes look like Face The Nation.
ThinkProgress smacks down another right-wing talking point-
As Katrina vanden Heuvel states in her recent blog post, the I-word is gaining ground.
...But the theory boils down to a consistent and self-serving formula: What's good for George W. Bush is good for America, and anything that weakens his power weakens the nation. To call this an imperial presidency is unfair to emperors...
...The government easily could have gotten search warrants to conduct electronic surveillance of anyone with the slightest possible connection to terrorists. The court that handles such requests hardly ever refuses. But Bush bridles at the notion that the president should ever have to ask permission of anyone...
..."The fact is, the federal law is perfectly clear," [Jonathan Turley, a professor at the George Washington University School of Law] says. "At the heart of this operation was a federal crime. The president has already conceded that he personally ordered that crime and renewed that order at least 30 times. This would clearly satisfy the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors for the purpose of an impeachment."
Turley is no Democratic partisan; he testified to Congress in favor of Bill Clinton's impeachment. "Many of my Republican friends joined in that hearing and insisted that this was a matter of defending the rule of law, and had nothing to do with political antagonism," he says. "I'm surprised that many of those same voices are silent. The crime in this case was a knowing and premeditated act. This operation violated not just the federal statute but the United States Constitution. For Republicans to suggest that this is not a legitimate question of federal crimes makes a mockery of their position during the Clinton period. For Republicans, this is the ultimate test of principle."...
...During World War II, Frank Capra made a wonderful series called "Why We Fight," basically giving the reasons for the outbreak of the war and reminding soldiers of what America stood for. Bush does that now, constantly reminding us that our Islamo-fascist enemies "hate our freedom" and "oppose our liberty and way of life."
Well, here's a stupid idea: Let's start eroding our liberties, fudging our civil rights, ignoring due process, and maybe they'll like us better, eh? Of course, trying to explain "Why We Fight" becomes a much harder sell in a country where we're not quite as free as our parents were...
Yesterday I posted a Barron's editorial which made strong arguments for Bush's impeachment. The Barron's link requires registration, so I was able to find a blog post that had the full text of the article in case anyone wanted to read it in full. It's an excellent piece. And here ya go-
Back to work, back to bloggin'...
President Bush casually dropped the number 30,000 in a speech earlier this month as the number of Iraqi civilians killed in the war. It's a likely bet the real number is much higher than the Pentagon cares to estimate. Still, the 30,000 number (like the 2,100+ number of U.S. troops killed) doesn't begin to tell the full story of those injured and of families and lives torn apart.
IN Iraq, nobody knows, and few in authority seem concerned to count, just how many civilians have been killed and injured. Soon it will be three years since the American-led invasion. The estimates of those killed run into the tens of thousands, the numbers of wounded two or three times the number who lost their lives. Even President Bush, estimating recently that 30,000 civilians may have been killed, acknowledged that was no more than an abstraction from unofficial calculations, not a Pentagon count.
To take his own measure of the war for The New York Times, Adam Nadel broke from the compulsions that dictate the days of many photographers in Baghdad... He visited them in their hospital wards, in their neighborhoods, and in their homes, and captured, in images and in words, what the war has meant for them.
If you can believe it, the Iraqis aren't happy about having us in their country.
The top US military commander admitted Sunday that Iraqis wanted US and other foreign troops to leave the country "as soon as possible", and said US troop levels in Iraq were now being re-assessed on a monthly basis.
The admission by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Marine General Peter Pace followed a decision by the Pentagon to reduce its presence in Iraq by two army brigades, which amounts to about 7,000 soldiers...
...To forget that I've committed an impeachable offense.
Media Matters debunks the top talking points being used to defend/excuse Bush in this scandal-
A few articles looking at the Bush/NSA scandal-
After five years, we're used to President Bush throwing up false choices to defend his policies. Americans were told, after all, that there was a choice between invading Iraq and risking a terrorist nuclear attack... But none of these phony choices were as absurd as the one Mr. Bush posed to justify his secret program of spying on Americans: save lives or follow the law...
...[W]e can reach a conclusion about Mr. Bush's assertion that obeying a 27-year-old law prevents swift and decisive action in a high-tech era. It's a myth...
...Mr. Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales offered a whole bag of logical pretzels yesterday to justify flouting this law. Most bizarre was the assertion that Congress authorized the surveillance of American citizens when it approved the use of "all necessary and appropriate force" by the United States military to punish those responsible for the 9/11 attacks or who aided or harbored the terrorists. This came as a surprise to lawmakers, who thought they were voting for the invasion of Afghanistan and the capture of Osama bin Laden...
...Willful disregard of a law is potentially an impeachable offense. It is at least as impeachable as having a sexual escapade under the Oval Office desk and lying about it later. The members of the House Judiciary Committee who staged the impeachment of President Clinton ought to be as outraged at this situation. They ought to investigate it, consider it carefully and report either a bill that would change the wiretap laws to suit the president or a bill of impeachment...
President Bush has been summoning newspaper editors lately in an effort to prevent publication of stories he considers damaging to national security.
The efforts have failed, but the rare White House sessions with the executive editors of The Washington Post and New York Times are an indication of how seriously the president takes the recent reporting that has raised questions about the administration's anti-terror tactics...
So how was everyone's holiday? Good, good. Here's some links to start off the week...
I know we liberals hate Christmas, but we'll muddle through somehow. Today is also the start of Hanukkah, so if anyone Jewish is reading this, you have a great holiday as well. This will be my only post of the day (that's your present), so let's all remember today all the people (the residents of the Gulf Coast, U.S. soldiers overseas, the citizens of Iraq, the people in the Sudan and other troubled regions) endorsing hardships this holiday season. Hopefully the next year will be better than this last.