Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"...And Start Acting Like It."

Watching John McCain's victory speech last night, and the endorsement photo-op with the President today, was illuminating about the deep denial Republicans are living in. McCain was going on and on last night about how America is the best (best health care, best wars, best economy, etc) -- the bubble that national Republicans live in is the one bubble that hasn't burst in recent years-- and all I could think of was this classic Bill Maher rant-

I know I've posted this before, but it's always worth repeating. We've been resting on our laurels for decades now, and not making the tough decisions and sacrifices necessary for progress, and now we're paying the price. And you can't even discuss that basic fact in our politics without being accused of sedition and having an American flag shoved in your face. The truth hurts and nobody wants to hear it.

We've become our own worst enemy.


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