Monday, February 25, 2008

Odds and Ends

There's another debate tomorrow night??! Will this ever end? Anyway, here's news...

In last week's debate, Sen. Obama told of an Army captain in Afghanistan whose platoon was scavenging enemy weapons due to supply problems. The right-wing-- being military experts and all-- freaked out. The problem there is that Obama's story, umm, checks out. Bad news? The Pentagon is trying to squash this story.

Bill Kristol recommends to Sen. Clinton the politics of fear.

In non-campaign news, a top GM executive has "defended remarks he made dismissing global warming as a 'total crock of shit,' saying his views had no bearing on GM's commitment to build environmentally friendly vehicles." Yikes. Sounds like he's earned himself a new round of tax cuts.

Meanwhile, in Cuba, a huge electoral upset as Raul Castro becomes President.

In Pakistan, a "graceful exit" is being urged for President Musharraf.

Last night's '60 Minutes' report on Karl Rove's role in the downfall of former Alabama gov. Don Siegelman was blocked in some parts of that state. How very, very odd.

Virgin Atlantic airlines did a a successful test-flight using biofuels.

Finally, this Fox News video is the best encapsulation of the network ever.


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