Monday, January 08, 2007

Does This Make Any Sense To Anyone?

This one's a real head-scratcher-
Saddam Hussein's trial for the killing of 180,000 Kurds in the 1980s resumed Monday with the late dictator's seat empty, nine days after he went to the gallows. The court's first order of business was to drop all charges against Saddam...

I know he's dead, but isn't this a little odd? The killing of the Kurds was always trumpeted as Hussein's worst offense and not only was he executed before standing trial for it (the specific crimes he was executed for raise more questions), but now he gets a posthumous acquittal? Hey, why not pull a Ken Lay and acquit him for the rest? It's not like this mess could get any worse.

And the ridiculously mismanaged execution of Hussein has-- surprise-- made him a martyr.


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