Monday, January 08, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

The silliest of the silly right-wing talking points/defenses during the height of the CIA leak scandal was that Valerie Plame wasn't really covert, so exposing her identity wasn't a scandal or a crime (oh, and also everyone knew Joe Wilson's wife existed and therefore must've known she was a CIA agent... or something). This, of course, has been repeatedly debunked, but like like many right-wing lies (Saddam had 9/11 connections, Al Gore claimed he invented the internet, Iraq did have WMDs, etc), it will live on in perpetuity.

With Scooter Libby's long-delayed trial set to begin next week, a reminder of reality-
Remember how the outing of Valerie Plame was no big thing because everybody knew that she was an undercover CIA operative? A CIA panel has declared that Plame can't even mention in her upcoming book that she worked for the CIA because she had "nonofficial cover" while there.


We here at Politics4geekz wish Mr. Libby the best of luck with his 'bad memory' defense.


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