Friday, July 07, 2006

Quote of the Day II

Andrew Sullivan, blogging on the Krauthammer column I mentioned earlier-
"Yes, there is such a thing as emergency power. But when the emergency is permanent, when the war is defined as indefinite, when it ends only when the executive says so, then we are talking about something different: a reordering of the constitutional system to create a neo-monarchy, licensed indefinitely to torture, capture, wire-tap and imprison, regardless of the rule of law, or the guilt or innocence of its victims. But, hey, that's now the conservative mainstream, as I have been forced to recognize. I might as well get used to it."

Or you can for vote for change this November and hope that somebody holds these people accountable for their madness (or at least puts up some kind of a fight over it). We're still a democracy, we have options. As I said in April, "The only hope is a Democratic takeover of Congress this Fall. They're not perfect, but they will do oversight."

They'll also govern for the whole country, not just for the small group of ideologues the Republicans dedicate most of the legislative schedule for pandering to every two years. I know what you're thinking... healthcare and wage increases over gay marriage bans and flag burning rants? What a crazy concept, I know.

[Blog followup from Sullivan with a reader's email:
A Conservative Recants

UPDATE: Related reading- Hamdan Myths and Facts]


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