Monday, July 03, 2006

Truth, Justice, and the Malkin Way

Right-wing bloggers are constantly uncovering conspiracies that don't actually exist (usually involving treasonous liberals or journalists or conservative Supreme Court judges). One of the more recent ones involves the new 'Superman Returns', which apparently promotes an anti-American global worldview as well as other awful things like premarital sex. Some examples- here and here. But the cake is taken, as usual, by Michelle Malkin. Take it away, Michelle-
I sat through about half of Superman Returns yesterday. The movie was boring and gave me a headache. But that's just me. Guess I'm just one of those people who doesn't have the patience for Hollyweird escapism that pits softened not-so-superheroes against rootless, not-so-arch enemies. It's a 9/11 thing, I think. (Can't wait until Frank Miller's "Holy Terror, Batman!" graphic novel is out.)

Anyway, much has been written about the screenwriters' substitution of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" with "Truth, Justice...all that stuff." See Jeanne Wolf, The Hollywood Reporter, and The American Thinker. Debbie Schlussel's take, which I spoke with her about yesterday subbing on KFI-AM's John and Ken show, is here.

Brandon Routh was adequate, but I prefer my superheroes old school and unashamed of the American flag. No globaloney for me.

To quote Stan Lee, "'Nuff said".

Shorter version: "Superman Returns gave me a headache, I left after the opening credits. Unless its Sean Hannity telling me to be scared of brown people, I am NOT INTERESTED! Hrrmmph!"

She's a serious political commentator, you know. Who knew a summer film based on an escapist comic strip created by two Jewish immigrants during the Great Depression would be a politically-free popcorn escape afternoon of fun? Gosh! Drudge had this 'issue' up the other day too; apparently it's a major concern for conservatives (thank God there's not a war going on or anything). Apparently ommitting 'the American way' from a comic book movie clearly means you hate America; fuck the rest of the "world"!! Who knew Bryan Singer was such a libaloon moonbat? The scariest part for me was reading and trying to imagine just what someone like this does for fun and just kind of movie they would enjoy. Home videos from Abu Ghraib?

Now, when Michelle remembers Kal-El's an illegal immigrant, she may him even less...

[PS- For more Malkin-esque insanity, Glenn Greenwald explores how right-wing bloggers believe they have uncovered a murderous plot by the NY Times' travel section to have Cheney and Rumsfeld assassinated!! Scooby Doo bloggers to the rescue! Also, in a blog post entitled 'Dissent Is Patriotic' (!!!), Malkin reminds readers to attend a protest today... at NY Times headquarters! GOD BLESS AMERICA! Tomorrow, for the Fourth, we burn down the Supreme Court!!!

Finally, Tom Tomorrow mocks how the media continues to take them seriously as political consultants.]


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