Friday, May 05, 2006

Terrorist Woes

Sometimes you get some encouraging news.

As I'm sure you've already heard, 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui has been sentenced to life in prison. The jury opted not to go with the death penalty, likely to avoid making him a martyr. I am glad since I don't believe in the afterlife or any potential lakes of fire that would await him there. Life in the Supermax, isolated and forgotten, is a fitting punishment for this walking footnote.

Will Bunch is less than excited, as the real 9/11 architects are not being brought to justice.

Perhaps this will convince the Bush administration to actually respect our legal process.

Meanwhile, a video has been released by the U.S. military of well-known terrorist leader al-Zarqawi fumbling with his rifle. In the video, Zarqawi is unable to get his gun to work properly until he gets assistance from someone. The video was released, according to the AP report, "as part of a propaganda war aimed at undercutting the image of the terror leader". Sounds good to me. You can see the video- here.

A reader of Andrew Sullivan's blog has a different take, stating "Yes, it's quite funny that Zarqawi can't fire that weapon properly, but what's not so funny is the fact that if this is the caliber (pardon the pun) of the enemy we're fighting, what does it say about our ability to catch the guy? Do you think the Pentagon's spinmeisters thought about that before releasing the video?"

I don't think the people running the Pentagon (Rumsfeld's crew anyway) do much in the way of thinking these days. I mean have you, ummm, seen Iraq lately?

Finally, the House approves the Flight 93 memorial as costs for the NYC memorial double.


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