Tuesday, May 02, 2006

President Bush Was For Hispanics Before He Was Against Them

I briefly mentioned last week the 'scandal' of some people recording a Spanish-language version of the National Anthem. I think this is nonsense. The National Anthem is the National Anthem; people sing it lots of ways... it's not really a big deal and the outrage speaks more about the complainers than whoever recorded the Spanish version. To me, it seems a perfectly reasonable way for hispanic immigrants to celebrate their American pride while also recognizing their roots. As even Condoleeza Rice said on 'Face The Nation' on Sunday, "I've heard the national anthem done in rap versions, country versions, classical versions. The individualization of the American national anthem is quite under way." She then goes to say that what people really should be concerned is coming up with an immigration reform law "that recognizes our laws and recognizes our humanity." It's not too often that I agree with Ms. Rice and her stone-cold glare, so this is a special occassion.

All of this outrage is coming up as the Republican party tries to placate the xenophobic (and occassionally racist) wing of the Republican base in an election year where they need every vote they can get. Apparently, Ken Mehlman weighed the need for those votes against the need for Hispanic votes and the former won out. Poor choice. The problem is that the far-right will never be satisfied until a Great Wall is erected across the border and any illegals already here are deported or jailed. They don't want immigration reform, they just want (to quote Mr. Garrison) "to get rid of all the Mexicans".

For a look at this racism in action, check out this link from a popular conservative blog.

The sad part is that most Americans (including myself) do want immigration reform, tougher enforcement of the border, and a crackdown on employers who exploit undocumented workers. We also want a policy that is humane and does leave a path for people to become citizens (in the proper way) in the rich immigrant tradition of our country. Of course, this is not what Congress is doing... they're not pushing for reform, they're fishing for votes in the right-wing pond. We're asking for Bruce Banner; they're giving us the Hulk. They never cared about this issue before, but it's an election year and Lou Dobbs is yelling at them, so they're doing what they do best- acting busy.

Back to the anthem... As the well-oiled outrage from the right grew over the Spanish version, the President threw his base a bone and stated on Friday that "I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English." It didn't take long for intrepid bloggers to dig up information that contradicts this nonsense.

Think Progress has put up several entries today on the topic:
-FACT CHECK: U.S. Government Commissioned Spanish-Language ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ in 1919
-Candidate Bush Would ‘Sing The Star-Spangled Banner in Spanish’ At Hispanic Festivals
-National Anthem Sung In Spanish At First Bush Inaugural

This information even made its way into today's White House press briefing. Scott McClellan is played dumb.

Finally, Greg Saunders looks at how President Bush has always used spanish-language campaign ads in his career.

President Bush used to reach out to our hispanic population. But it's 2006 and the conservatives are angry, so arrepentido, latinos. When are these people ever going to learn that, beyond their votes, the Republicans have little use for them?


At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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