Tuesday, May 02, 2006

'24': As Seen Through The Eyes Of Bush Supporters

Man, that President Logan is a total scumbag, isn't he? I hope Jack Bauer takes him down! The idea of the seemingly bumbling and clueless President turning out to be a calculating villain was a brilliant twist; I don't know where these writers get their ideas.

Anyway, supporters of President Bush and his gloves-off, laws-don't-apply-to-me approach to his presidency and the war on terror have found in hero in the ass-kicking Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer answers to no one! He always saves the day and he isn't afraid to break the law or kill random people to do it. This motherfucker is such a badass he will hijack an airplane just to get the evidence he needs (and it's really cute that people keep thinking they can stop him).

He's, well, supposed to be a fictional character- an amped up counter-terrorism John Wayne-, but don't tell that to the people who see the world (and the war) as it were a story arc on '24'.

It is on this note that cartoonist Tom Tomorrow reimagines the '24' world in the way that the President's supporters see our battle against terror...

Adam Elkus on TruthDig also takes a look at the conservative obsession with the fictional Bauer:
What Would Jack Bauer Really Do?


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