Friday, January 20, 2006

'Time To Move On' Is Totally The New 'Stay The Course'

The conservative Pittsburgh Tribune Review now states it is time for us to leave Iraq.

...So we can go and invade Iran. Sorry Iraqis, you're on your own, we got a new war to plan! Third time's the charm.

The war in Iraq: Time to move on.
We didn't agree with Jack Murtha in November when he called for an immediate withdrawal of United States forces from Iraq. The timing was not right. But the times have changed....

...[T]he world situation has changed dramatically since November. The nuclear saber-rattling of neighboring Iran is heading for a showdown. To meet that threat should diplomacy fail, the United States must begin the six- to nine-month logistical process of drawing down its Iraqi force and repositioning it to respond, if need be, to the Iranian threat.

This is not retreat. This is not cut-and-run. This is a recognition of the reality in Iraq -- one that has evolved into an Iraqi problem that only the Iraqis now can solve -- and that the paramount world security threat now is Iran...

What a bunch of hypocrites. Rep. Murtha was wrong when he called for withdrawals, but they're right when they acknowledge the same reality he did? Abandon Iraq to ('if need be') go after Iran? Who can even keep track anymore of the nonsense and spin that comes out of these people's mouths?

I can't possibly be the only one who finds this trend disturbing.


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