Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ms. Run Amok Retires

Judith Miller has retired.

To mark this major moment, I am writing to her the following letter...

“Dear Judy,

Your reporting, and you will not be missed. Like many Americans, I admire the balls it took to parrot the propaganda of criminals like Ahmed Chalabi and Dick Cheney. But, like many friends and readers, I would welcome your retirement, doing what neocons do best— sneaking out the back door when things get rough.


You printed your bogus WMD stories in 2002. It is 2005 now. You will have stories to be apart of— Testifying against (for?) your pal Scootie, the damaged reputation of the NY Times, and the lucrative book deals you will milk out of your faux-martyrdom this summer. Out in DC, where your friends live, the indicted Republicans will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them. Go back to your home—- and life. Until then, you will remain in my nightmares and prayers for an end to the insanity you helped create.

Without admiration, Blueduck37.”

NY Times article:
Times and Reporter Reach Agreement on Her Departure

AP article:
Judith Miller Retires From New York Times


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