Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bill O'Reilly: The Left-Wing Conspiracy Is After Me, Waaaahhh!

Bill O'Reilly spinned like a goddamn dreidel on Hanukkah yesterday on the No Spin Zone.

O'Reilly ignored his pro-terrorism comments and turned the controversy into an attempt by the far-left "smear machine" to destroy him because of his 'satirical riff' on the city of San Francisco. Ignoring what he actually said on the TV show, he made it seem like Bill'O did nothing and people want to hurt him. Why don't people understand that the USA should leave San Francisco open to attack because of their controversial decision?!! Love it or leave it, San Francisco. Anyway, back to the left-wing conspiracy. As his website states:

"A well-organized, well-funded effort to slime the Radio Factor has begun over comments made about the disgraceful vote in San Francisco that sought to prohibit military recruitment in public schools."

Yea, Bill'O, a bunch of bloggers and an admittingly half-assed boycott attempt is a "well-organized, well-funded effort". My check from Soros is in the mail. Afraid of the blogs, Bill'O? I mean it's not like we're an influential media pundit with the power of the News Corporation empire behind us, but hey, we try.

More on this later, including Bill'O's Cold War-esque list of evil websites!


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