Monday, October 17, 2005

The Mystery Of Miers

Is Harriet Miers insane with religion or just religiously insane?

Conservatives everywhere want to know.

Andrew Sullivan posts some interesting analyis on his blog. Some of those closest with her are saying widely varying things about the topic that evangelical Republicans feel is the might important issue in America today (war? hurricanes? economy? never heard of 'em)- Roe v Wade. Justice Nathan Hecht, of the Texas Supreme Court, discussed where Miers stands on the controversial case, but his statements differed depending on who talked to...

In one instance:
"What followed, according to the notes, was a free-wheeling discussion about many topics, including same-sex marriage. Justice Hecht said he had never discussed that issue with Ms. Miers. Then an unidentified voice asked the two men, "Based on your personal knowledge of her, if she had the opportunity, do you believe she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade?"

"Absolutely," said Judge Kinkeade.

"I agree with that," said Justice Hecht. "I concur."

And in another:

Justice Hecht also said he couldn't predict how Ms. Miers might vote on a challenge to Roe v. Wade.

"If you're asking, 'Is she going vote to overrule Roe v. Wade, or Lawrence v. Texas [a 2003 decision striking down Texas' law against same-sex sodomy], I don't know that you can ask anyone that because you don't know until you are there."

Better get your talking points straight, fellas. It's very important that we know just where she stands on these moral/religious issues, as the President has assured it's a key reason she belongs on the Supreme Court. Religion, as we know, is an integral part of our secular governing and judicial systems.

Said President Bush, "Article 6? More like Article Sucks!".


At 11:14 PM, Blogger BlueDuck said...

Fixed the typo.

I have Rove on the brain.



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