Peace and Prosperity
"Eight years of peace and prosperity
Scandal in the White House
An election is what we need
From coast-to-coast to Washington."
--John Mellencamp, 'To Washington' (2003)
With the GOP nomination all sewn up, that party is jumping right into general election mode. The President himself (remember that guy?) has even entered the fray-
President Bush, rallying conservatives for a battle against Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, says "prosperity and peace" are at stake in the upcoming election for his successor...
I agree those issues are at stake. And that's why I'm voting for the Democratic candidate.
(To really nail this point home, I'm just gonna crib from Will Bunch)
God knows what a disaster it would be if the peace...

and prosperity...

...of the George W. Bush years were to somehow be reversed.
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