Liberal Fascism: From The Minimum Wage To Organic Baby Carrots
Jonah Goldberg, editor-at-large of the National Review, is living proof that nepotism is a big part of movement conservatism (see also: the NY Post's John Podhoretz). His mother, Lucianne Goldberg, was a key conservative figure in the 1990s and instrumental in propelling the Lewinsky scandal. Jonah rode his mother's coattails right to the top of conservative punditry, using his position to lament that foiled terror attacks prevent new draconian security policies and praying for a Pinochet-like figure to come along and smash the Iraqis into submission.
He has also published a new book, which he's been trying to complete for over two years. Obviously such a long writing process has no doubt produced a masterpiece of political thought and discussion. The book is entitled 'Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning '. The cover-

This is a very serious, thoughtful book. That cover shows the original title-- 'Liberal Fascism: The Totalitarian Temptation From Mussolini to Hillary Clinton' (and yes, that's not a joke). Perhaps realizing that went too far, he then changed the proposed title to 'Liberal Fascism: The Totalitarian Temptation From Hegel to Whole Foods'. And then, maybe deciding that Whole Foods is not exactly Auschwitz (Organic soda? That's going too far, you monsters!), Goldberg finally settled on that third, more benign title above.
One site has posted some scans of the inside of the book, featuring exciting chapters like "Adolf Hitler: Man of the Left" and "The New Age: We're All Fascists Now". Hitler was a vegetarian, you know, and that is proof that all liberals are evil. Also, American affirmative action policies are just like Hitler's race policies (according to Goldberg, "the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism"). This is a serious, deep mind at work. But the highlight of the book jacket is this passage-
"The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female grade-school teacher with an education degree from Brown or Swarthmore."
Holocaust survivors, feel free to share your thoughts with Mr. Goldberg on his treatise the next time he is giving one of his 'All I am Saying is Give War a Chance' lectures at your local college campus.
A commenter on Matthew Yglesias' site sums it up: "Apparently he thinks fascism means 'things I don't like.'" Conservative authors are very, very serious people.
[UPDATE: More hilariously awful book excerpts- here, here, here, here, and here.]
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