Thursday, December 20, 2007

Take a Bow Senate Republicans, You Earned It!

Hey, speaking of legislation... congratulations are in order for the Senate Republicans, who've broken the filibuster record for a single session of Congress, with a full year to spare! Since January, the GOP has filibustered 62 times. Bonus congrats to Democrats for not even making them go through with an actual, painful filibuster! You all did great.

The reviews are pouring in! From the Campaign for America's Future-
“In just one session, a minority in Congress has prevented a mind-blowing 62 pieces of legislation from going to the floor for an up or down vote,” said Campaign for America’s Future co-director Roger Hickey. “Our report shows how over and over again, the uncompromising minority has thwarted the will of majorities in Congress and of the American people, holding the Senate floor hostage to a radical right-wing agenda.”...

...Eric Lotke, Campaign for America’s Future research director and lead author of the new report, calls the obstruction a “deliberate strategy.” He observes that the congressional Republicans block legislation, then blame the Democrats for getting nothing done. “It’s like mugging the postman and then complaining that the mail isn’t delivered on time.”

Brian Young, of Roadblock Republicans, adds-
“Only a group with a near-pathological disregard for the actual health of our democracy, only a group with a single-minded focus on the cynical political strategies of their consultants, only a group with an imperious disdain for the people of the country could’ve pulled off such a feat.”

And what a feat! It's so impressive and newsworthy all the major news networks can't stop talking about Iowa poll numbers, Britney's sister's pregnancy, Iowa poll numbers it!

Here's a partial list of what has been blocked: an exit strategy for Iraq, expansion for children's health care, allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, taking away tax breaks to oil companies to use the $$ for renewable energy, making it easier for workers to unionize, restoring habeas rights for detainees, and more!

You know, pesky stuff like that! Good riddance! Boy, when conservatives say that party that governs best is the party that governs least, they mean it! See you next year!


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