Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Humility, Thy Name is Rudy

It's pretty easy to categorize the GOP field already. Mitt Romney is the guy who will say literally anything to get elected. Fred Thompson is the empty suit who's actually been fairly straightforward, but no one cares anymore. Mike Huckabee's the evangelical populist. John McCain is the guy who went crazy in 2004, but not crazy enough for the base. Ron Paul's the one with the crazy supporters. And Rudy Guiliani... well, he's just crazy (also 9/11!).

This video sums up one of Rudy's worst straits- his megalomania.

And speaking of! Rudy scored the endorsement today of Pat Robertson, a man who shared the belief that American tolerance for things like gay rights, abortion rights, secular values (things Rudy used to support) made us to blame for... yep, 9/11! The moral collapse of the GOP comes full-circle at last.


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