Saturday, November 03, 2007

Dear Mr. President

Whether their real motivations are electoral or principle, some Senators are taking a stand.

Not that the President cares what Congress thinks-- if Bush/Cheney do decide to pull the trigger on Iran, nothing short of an unlikely successful impeachment will stop him-- but it's nice to see them reasserting their constitutional role in the matters of war. Article I, Section 8 represent!

30 senators (yes, out of 100... *sigh*) have written a letter to President Bush on this issue-
"We are writing to express serious concerns with the provocative statements and actions stemming from your administration with respect to possible U.S. military action in Iran. These comments are counterproductive and undermine efforts to resolve tensions with Iran through diplomacy.

This includes the Senate vote on September 26, 2007 on an amendment to the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act. This amendment, expressing the sense of the Senate on Iran, and the recent designation of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, should in no way be interpreted as a predicate for the use of military force in Iran.

We stand ready to work with your administration to address the challenges presented by Iran in a manner that safeguards our security interests and promotes a regional diplomatic solution, but we wish to emphasize that offensive military action should not be taken against Iran without the express consent of Congress."

It was signed by Senators Webb (its creator), Akaka, Baucus, Boxer, Brown, Byrd, Cantwell, Carper, Casey, Clinton, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin, Feinstein, Harkin, Johnson, Kerry, Klobuchar, Kohl, Leahy, McCaskill, Mikulski, Murray, Reed, Rockefeller, Sanders, Stabenow, Tester, Whitehouse, and Wyden.

Some Obama supporters are probably thinking 'hey, why didn't ol' Barry sign this?'. The official answer from his campaign is this statement: "It will take more than a letter to prevent this administration from... justify[ing] military action in Iran." Actions do speak louder than words. But while that is true, signing couldn't have hurt, no?

Here is what Sen. Obama is doing instead-
Democrat Barack Obama introduced a Senate resolution late Thursday that says President Bush does not have authority to use military force against Iran, the latest move in a debate with presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton about how to respond to that country's nuclear ambitions...

...His resolution says any offensive military action against Iran must be explicitly authorized by Congress, and seeks to clarify that nothing approved so far provides that authority...

Yea, good luck getting that past the Republicans and Lieberman.

Sen. Clinton responded by accusing him of 'playing politics'. {*rolls eyes*} United front please, donkeys. United front. You're trying to stop the President from playing 'third time's the charm' with Mideast war, not debating earmarks in a farm subsidy bill. Take it seriously.


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