Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Anger of a Liberal

This review of Paul Krugman's book hits the nail on the head regarding the origins of the polarization today in politics, and why liberals grew in their anger and mobilization over the past decade. Well worth reading.

(Conservative Jones, boy detective, investigates this mystery as well.)

Mr. Krugman, ever the optimist, sees this anger as a transformative force. He states "that the 2006 election wasn't an aberration, [and] that the U.S. public is actually ready for something different— a new politics of equality." I'm more cynical than that, but-- like Fox Mulder-- I want to believe.

As for his dream of a 'new' New Deal (a key theme in the book), again I won't hold my breath. Franklin Roosevelt got the New Deal pushed through due to a mix of Great Depression realism (people living in shanty towns tend to realize the system is screwed up) and goodwill he gained as WWII began. There's no world war on (despite what the neocons think). And while economic disparity is growing, far too many people seem unfazed (credit cards allow us to buy happiness beyond our means now).

The best I hope for from the next President is getting back to the pre-Bush status quo (and maybe institute some policies that pave the way for more progressive ones in the near future). Anything above and beyond that is pure gravy. And yes, that's how low the bar is for me right now.


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