More Odds and Ends

White House press secretary Dana Perino looks on the bright side of climate change. Go girl!
Hey, speaking of crappy conservative governance and anti-journalism tactics, our ol' friends at Bush's FEMA held a press conference on their handling of the SoCal fires. Turns out they pulled a Jeff Gannon and had FEMA staffers pose as journalists to ask softball questions. The White House, of course, was shocked, shocked at this! has a great compilation of the best gay-themed 'Daily Show' segments.
A disturbing finding: "A poll released yesterday by the Associated Press made it official: Americans are more likely to believe in ghosts (34 percent) than to believe that President Bush is doing a good job with the war in Iraq (29 percent)." Both of those numbers are way too high.
The fine minds at the Washington Post editorial board assure us that the administration is not preparing for war with a certain Middle Eastern nation beginning with "I". They assured readers the same thing in 2002, as well. I can't remember, did that turn out well?
The Nation's Chris Hayes has a great piece on the role that email forwards play in the right-wing noise machine. I found one site that archives some of them.
Finally, I found a YouTube member with lots of rare 'Schoolhouse Rock' videos. Enjoy!
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