Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Cult of Ron

One of my personal pet peeves--as a guy who reads lot of political stuff online-- is the growing prevalence of Ron Paul cultists who hijack every blog comment section, YouTube video discussion, and postings to pontificate about our savior, Ron Paul.

At the risk of stereotyping, these people are usually hysterical, insisting the rest of us are just police state apologists who don't realize that 9/11 was the first part in a government conspiracy to have the U.N. take over America, steal our guns, and turn the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into one super-country controlled by the illuminati(*). Rep. Paul himself is far from being a Lyndon LaRouche, but it's hard to tell from his most rabid supporters.

(*Note: This Vincente Fox interview on The Daily Show will not assuage those fearing a North American Union)

Sometimes, though, it results in good discussions that get to heart of people's philosophies.

A good example is the comment section of a recent TPM news piece that focused on Rep. Paul. His supporters, of course, showed up, lamenting the evil that is... government. However, some other commenters got into a spirited defense of government done right, and how opposition to the concept of this is usually based on paranoia. In particular, reads the comments by 'colonpowpow', 'Fred M', and 'Joe Monster'.

I assume most people don't have the time to read blog comment discussions (and perhaps it's sad that I do), but if you do, this is a quality debate.


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