Friday, March 23, 2007

Odds and Ends

Here's some miscellaneous news rescued once again from the cracks...

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) has come out of the closet as... GASP!... an atheist. He's the first member to do so. Say it loud! We're here, we don't believe in any god, get used to it.

Speaking of blasphemy, many Democrats appear to now be worshipping at the conservative altar of tax cuts. But I thought they were all out of control liberals? So confused.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is coming back to New York to speak with the U.N. Security Council. Meanwhile, after the embarassingly bungled saber-rattling overload last month, the Bush administration decides that maybe this diplomacy is worth a real try.

Speaking of New York, looks like we get to join in the primary 'Super Tuesday' fun now too.

And down south, South Carolina makes it official... they hate gay people.

Finally, more climate change 'alarmism' from Reuters: "The impact of global warming on the vast Southern Ocean around Antarctica is starting to pose a threat to ocean currents that distribute heat around the world, Australian scientists say, citing new deep-water data." I didn't find this story on Drudge, of course.


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