Sunday, March 18, 2007

Al Gore To Testify To Congress / Matt Drudge To Mess His Pants

Matt Drudge's obsession with 'debunking' global warming (and Al Gore as well, because when the facts aren't with you, killing the messenger is an easy out) is as long as it is predictable.

So with Al Gore set to testify before House and Senate committees on global warming, Mr. Drudge is about 10 minutes from messing his pants in sheer glee. No, Mr. Drudge is not interested in hearing a honest, important debate about the nexus between the environment and politics, he is excited because.... some Republican operatives have leaked to him (I'm as shocked as you are) a super-EXCLUSIVE preview of the grilling they are going to give Mr. Gore!!!! Awesome!!

I must confess that the few questions mentioned in Mr. Drudge's **EXCLUSIVE** post are not bad questions, but of course Drudge couldn't resist throwing in the typical joke about how it will be cold on Wednesday. Discussing global warming during winter = proof that Gore is a liar!!! Or something. Who knows.

With quality like this, it's no wonder Mr. Drudge rules the media's world.


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