Saturday, December 23, 2006

Last-Minute News Shopping

Getting ready to leave work soon to start the holiday weekend. But first, the news...

2007 is going to be another nasty year in the War That Never Should've Been: "Top US military commanders in Iraq have decided to recommend a 'surge' of fresh American combat forces, eliminating one of the last remaining hurdles to proposals being considered by President George W. Bush." Congratulations, American public and Congress, you've been told to fuck off. Now what're you gonna do about it?

Money quote from the LA Times: "Those skeptical about the efficacy of an increase argue that any new troops must be given clear instructions. However, defense officials say the U.S. commanders in Iraq have not settled on what that mission should be, although they are expected to decide before calling up new units."

Translation: 'As usual, we still don't have any plan or sense of strategic direction, but we know that President Bush wants to look tough and stand up to his critics. Rather than stand up to him on that, we'll throw more soldiers into the meatgrinder to make him happy. We'll figure out the pesky details later.'

What a mess. Kevin Drum asks the following- If/when this fails, will they learn their lesson?

Meanwhile, in other news, the U.N. votes on Iran: "The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Saturday to impose sanctions on Iran's trade in sensitive nuclear materials and ballistic missiles, a move aimed at getting Tehran to halt uranium enrichment work."

The White House remains silent on Rep. Virgil Goode's (R-VA) attack on Muslims in America.

Finally, the 'War on Christmas' helps conservatives... make a lot of money.


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