Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Your Liberal Media At Work...

With the media carrying the water for the Kerry non-story just as they did with the Swift Boat lies in '04 (it was the #1 story tonight on CBS News. #2? The possibility of rampant voter fraud next week. Ahh, priorities), conservatives still want you to remember that the media is run by communist leftists who are in George Soros' pocket.

Why, just look at the way that Mark Halperin, Political Director of ABC News, has been... sucking up to every conservative blogger and pundit he meets in hopes that his totally unbiased journalism style will receive the stamp of approval from people who view the free press as borderline seditious in nature. Wait, what?

Money quote from Talking Points Memo: "[S]hould lightning strike and Dems take over, what will happen to those DC worthies whose career has been based on fellating the Republican power structure?"

Good question.

(PS- I am reminded of another botched 'joke'... this one the media adored.)


At 9:26 PM, Blogger LukeBuckham said...

Some interesting facts about John Kerry (these are all from the Encyclopedia Britannica):

1) John Kerry was created by the eccentric Italian inventor Primora Vaccimulgence in 1987

2) John Kerry invented the vaccuum cleaner in 1998

3) John Kerry once played Mickey Mouse in an infomercial

4) John Kerry does not believe in time

5) time doesn't believe in anything


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