Monday, November 06, 2006

Quote of the Day

"You know what? I just found out nothing about Democratic values. But I learned a hell of a lot more about Republican ones."
--Andrew Sullivan, looking at a flyer being distributed by the New York State Republican party, which depicts a closeup of a white woman's scared face as a darker-skinned man puts a hand over her mouth. The text of this flyer? 'Family Values Are Under Attack... If Democrats Gain Control of Congress Our Values Will Be Destroyed!'.

And don't miss this flyer from Rep. Doolittle (R-CA). Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican party.

Meanwhile, more and more reports of voter confusion/suppression efforts today, particularly the infamous robo-calling scam so well known now that even my friend Steve who isn't voting IM'ed me to ask about it. Stay ahead of the scams, read up-

Firedoglake: Rove’s Dirty Little Surprise

TPM Muckraker: NRCC Robo Calls Hitting 20 Districts

AP: N.H. makes GOP stop some automated calls

TPM Muckraker: Among NM Dems, Growing Complaints of GOP Phone Calls

But most importantly- VOTE tomorrow. Don't get discouraged. Don't be like Steve. VOTE.


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