Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Odds And Ends

Some random news of interest on this very hot, global warming kinda day...

Israel seizes gorillas guerillas in a new raid in Lebanon.

Speaking of that war- have conservative bloggers and pundits finally gone over the deep end? If so, how can we tell the difference? In regards to the deaths of over 60 Lebanese civilians earlier this week in the town of Qana due to an Israeli bombing campaign gone wrong, the conservatives state that... it's all a conspiracy and Israel didn't do it. Ignore that Israel has already apologized for the massacre. You see what really happened was that Hezbollah killed all those people, framed Israel, and the media's been covering it all up! DUH! At the center of all of this was, not surprisingly, Michelle Malkin and the usual suspects... Then again its gets worse as others like Rush Limbaugh take that narrative and go further, stating that these civilians (and others) deserved to die anyway because they choose to live in a country with such radical elements. Hmmm, that sentiment sounds familiar.

And so, as neoconservatism implodes on the far-right, does indifference to and/or defense of mass killing become the next logical step for the true believers?

Meanwhile, (saner) bloggers ponder the hard question- how do we deal with Hezbollah?

On the subject of Middle East oil, Congress says that we need another quick, temporary fix.

Meanwhile, the Swift Boat chameleons who attacked John Kerry in 2004 are now rebranding themselves and setting their sights on Rep. John Murtha because of his criticism of the Iraq war. Aren't election years keen?

Evolution isn't going to let Kansas push it around anymore.

Finally, Scooter Libby really hopes the jury believes that remembering stuff is hard work.


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