Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union: The Aftermath

They're spinning away on the cable news networks! Go pundits, go!

In summation: The speech itself was better than we're used to... but only because the bar has been set so low in the past 5 years. So many proposals that sound good on paper (alternative energy, fighting AIDS, etc) ... but will never actually be accomplished by this President who lacks the genuine will and political capital to even know where to begin. A lot of statements about progress (in Iraq, in the Gulf Coast)... if only they were true. In the case of the former, the administration is responsible for the mess to begin with; in the case of the latter, they are actively stalling politically on investigations and rebuilding. Typical rhetoric- ie. complaining about "second guessing" not being a valid strategy for Iraq... But is it really second guessing when you're just trying to acknowledge the realities the White House has shielded itself from? Also, the constant calls for bipartisan unity rang hollow, as we all know that what the President really means by that is 'You better support me, but I won't promise the same in return'. It's become obvious now that whenever the President says he "urge[s] the Congress to act responsibly", he means he urges the Congress to promote his agenda, thereby making it seem that those who don't are somehow irresponsible. If he were as good at governing as he is at rhetoric, we'd be living in a utopian wonderland.

On a final and important note, his defense-by-offense on the NSA wiretapping issue was painfully insulting to the intelligence of anyone who has followed the story- it again failed to acknowledge that he already has the power to spy on terrorists (but to do so legally and with oversight), threw in some pre-9/11 revisionist history, and made the false charge that the laws give him the power to do what he did, when the real issue is that he violated the surveillance statutes.

In short, more of the same. In two weeks, no one will remember this speech.

Also, Tim "There's a better way!" Kaine's response was better than expected. Read it- here.

Moving on, the AP fact-checks the speech:
Bush Skips Complex Realities in Address

ThinkProgress is also fact-checking the hell out of the speech. If interested, you can read their rebuttals on: civility in politics, upholding Coretta Scott King's legacy, Iraqi elections, global terrorism, Afghanistan, strategy for victory in Iraq, supporting the troops, dealing with Iran, homeland security, Patriot Act, 9/11 hijackers, how previous Presidents handled surveillance, notifying Congress, job growth, the economy, tax cuts, the deficit, healthcare, foreign oil dependence, renewable energy, science education, betraying the public trust, post-Katrina rebuilding, and poverty.

The Huffington Post has blog reactions from Sen. Feingold, Sen. Reid, and Rep. Pelosi among others.

Andrew Sullivan did some live blogging tonight for CNN. His bottom line-
Sorry ... but I thought this speech lacked a real focus, and rehashed thoroughly exhausted tropes and phrases. The speech's key attention-grabber was the "addicted to oil" line. But after five years of being the oil-president, he needs to add a lot more substance to back up the counter-intuitive headline. On the critical question, Iraq, he said all the right things; and I believe he deserves support in navigating the path ahead, however twisted the path to this point. But I'd like to see more meat on those bones, and clear evidence of political progress and improved security. I guess, on this subject, I've just learned to follow what he does, rather than what he says. The calls for bi-partisanship, on the other hand, and for an entitlements commission, for Pete's sake, sounded ... well, desperate. Bottom line: this speech will rise without trace. And be remembered by almost no one.

I also like this post-
We must not allow our differences to "harden into anger." Anyone who tells me not to get angry ... pisses me off.

Angry Americans... smash?

Finally- King George demonstrates what democracy and freedom mean in his own country:
Activist Cindy Sheehan Arrested at Capitol

Her crime? Wearing an anti-war t-shirt. Get this terrorist out of the sacred Capitol halls!

Heck of a job!

The kingdom is safe once more... for now. Goodnight and (as they say on TV) God bless America.


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