Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lost In Translation

Ever listen to Republicans speak, but can't understand a word they say?

Then you need the Republican-To-English Dictionary! Some sample entries...

*class warfare/ n./* Any attempt to raise the minimum wage.
*faith/ n./* The belief that the Beatitudes include "Blessed are the rich" and "Blessed are the warmakers."
*voter fraud/ n./* A significant minority turnout
*staying the course interj./ Slang/.* Continuing to perform the same actions and expecting different results. (See: insanity.)
*pro-life/ adj./* Valuing human life up until birth
*laziness/ n./* When the poor are not working
*leisure time/ n./* When the wealthy are not working

See the guide for more helpful translations! Keep this dictionary handy if traveling abroad to Washington DC.


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