Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Empire Spins Back

One of the political themes that has bothered me in the past few years is the conservatives portraying themselves as the underdog (ie. the 'liberal media' complaints). Somehow, in our current political climate, Christian conservatives Republicans are still being persecuted by the people in power, which is... not them, apparently.

On this note, the Daily Show did a funny bit on a video that was shown at the annual Republican party retreat with House leaders. The video was a parody of 'Star Wars' featuring the rebels trying to destroy to Darth Nancy (Pelosi) and her evil Democrat Empire. If they band together, these rebel incumbents can thwart Darth Nancy and her Death Star of democratic change. Jon Stewart had this to say on the video-

"I got news for you. If we're gonna do the 'Star Wars' analogy, the Democrats are at best Ewoks. At best. Believe me, you'd be pumping up their egos to call them Jawas. Why can't the Republicans just admit it- You're in charge! You control the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court. You're not a bunch of ragtag rebels fighting the Empire. You're the Empire."

See video here- Headlines: 'Use The Force'

[PS- Stewart has shot down this notion before, in his interview with Bush fanboy Fred Barnes.]


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