Monday, February 20, 2006

King George Has A Lot To Hide

"[Critics] are only opposed to this because they don’t want anyone finding out what they’ve been up to. … What have you folks been doing that you so desperately want to keep hidden?"
--Rush Limbaugh (December 22, 2005)

Makes sense, I guess. If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide, right?

Bush administration, what do you think?...

Washington Post: White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe

But Some Republicans Say Bush Must Be More Open About Eavesdropping Program

At two key moments in recent days, White House officials contacted congressional leaders just ahead of intelligence committee meetings that could have stirred demands for a deeper review of the administration's warrantless-surveillance program, according to House and Senate sources.

In both cases, the administration was spared the outcome it most feared, and it won praise in some circles for showing more openness to congressional oversight.

But the actions have angered some lawmakers who think the administration's purported concessions mean little. Some Republicans said that the White House came closer to suffering a big setback than is widely known, and that President Bush must be more forthcoming about the eavesdropping program to retain Congress's good will...

The NY Times also has a story today on the issue-
But two days before Mr. Bush spoke, the White House opened the door to talks in the hope of avoiding a full-scale Congressional investigation. According to lawmakers involved in the discussions, a number of senior officials, including Harriet E. Miers, the White House counsel, and Andrew H. Card Jr., the chief of staff, began contacting members of the Senate to determine what it would take to derail the investigation.

WOW. Talk about desperate, no?

Sabotaging investigations. How Nixonian of them (or Clinton-esque for those on the right).

Nice to see King George more worried about his power and secrecy than Congress' legitimate concerns.

If only he was this concerned about capturing Osama...

[PS- Resources for debunking White House arguments:
-NSA legal arguments
-King-George-gate: Myths v. Realities]


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