Sunday, January 15, 2006

The More Things Change...

After seeing my posting of a Tom Toles cartoon on Alito (the Jan. 9th one), Dollie at work lent me an old collection of his cartoons from 1991 and 1992. One of the cartoons from September 1991 (when Clarence Thomas had been nominated for the Court) was a take on the theater of Supreme Court confirmation hearings. What I like about this is that Toles could reprint this today and would work just as well without requiring a single change. Amazing. I particularly like the "unusual custom that political criteria obviously used to select the candidate may not be used to reject the candidate" line. Too true.

The cartoon-

And the media reports on the inevitable (and disconcerting) result:
Alito Poised to Join Supreme Court (AP)

[See also my earlier post for my take on the Alito hearings.]


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