Monday, December 05, 2005

Making Progress

-Iraqi citizens try to 'assassinate' former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. With rocks.

Hey Ayad, you misunderstood, they were just celebrating our imminent victory there!

Allawi Claims Assassination Attempt

-And National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley defends (by changing the subject to the latest 'strategy' talking points) Cheney's statement earlier this year that the insurgency was in its "last throes".

Why does Hadley believe this? BECAUSE, THAT'S WHY! Okay??!

Hadley Defends Cheney’s Claim That Insurgency Was In Its “Last Throes”'

Money quote: "We think we're at a point where we have a strategy that will work."

Crooks and Liars has video.

-Finally, one of the President's fan stops by the White House to say hi.

Arkansas Man Scales White House Fence


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