Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hillary's Iraq

The subtitle- "Ambiguous Hawk In A Fog Of War" - says it all.

Please Democrats, learn from your mistakes for once. Do not nominate Hillary in 2008.

Hillary’s Iraq:
Ambiguous Hawk In A Fog Of War

Key passage:
Mrs. Clinton has been a force on both sides of the debate over the war. She was an early, consistent defender of the rationale for invading Iraq: that Saddam Hussein posed a danger to the U.S. Unlike former Senator John Edwards, among others, she never backed away from her vote to give Mr. Bush the authority to wage war. But she has also questioned whether the invasion was necessary, and from her perch on the Senate Armed Services committee, she has become a leading critic of the war’s prosecution.

Now the Murtha train is leaving the station, and Mrs. Clinton’s calibrated stance could leave her behind. But that stance, with a foot in each camp and a focus more on health care for soldiers than on grand strategy, seems to be making her the right allies (Senate Republicans) and the right enemies (like the antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan) for a national election...


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