Sunday, October 23, 2005

Worse Than Watergate

I mentioned recently that I had finished the paperback edition of John Dean's "Worse Than Watergate", featuring a new chapter ('Maybe Another Teflon Presidency') on the aftermath of the 2004 election. The book is particularly relevant now as the Plame investigation nears the final stages... Dean has even written a new column on Find Law analyzing the investigation. Great read.

Anyway, after I finished, I indulged in a guilty pleasure of mine- reading the user reviews on I love reading right-wing reviews of liberally-minded books or movies, because very few of them are intelligent. They are mostly just poorly written rants of the "LIBS = TERRORISTS!!"/love it or leave it variety, and amusingly filled with spelling and grammar errors. No Child Left Behind at work. The reviews of Dean's book did not disappoint in this regard. Here are a sampling of my favorites (any bold added by me):

1. "John Dean is so full of it that he has to have a tongue depressor applied by a proctologist. Who can possibly believe this Judas? His credibility has been exploded innumerable times, and yet liberals keep resurrecting him like a chronic case of syphilis. John Dean and his liberal enablers won't be satisfied until democracy is destroyed and the visage of Abraham Lincoln is replaced by Fidel Castro. To pervert America and rewrite history isn't enough for them: they will not stop until the very memory of American democracy itself is obliterated."

[Note: I didn't know that Rush Limbaugh shopped on]

2. "This book is terrible. Amybody who reads this does not have a brain because if they did they would realize that is filled with lies. But no those people think that if its in a book then it must be true. George W. Bush is one of the greatest presidents we have had. He stands up for the American people and he will not back down in the face of terror like the CLINTONS have. People reading this book should think about the World Trade Center bombing the first time and how about the USS Cole bombing. Clinton just sat by and watched. My sister is over there fighting the war in Iraq and I don't care if they don't find any WMD. Saddam Hussain was a vicious murderer who killed hundreds of thousands of people and maybe more. They have uncovered huge mass graves and there are still people who are unaccounted for. He used WMD on his own people so even if he didn't have them when we went to war, we know that he did have them and that he was capable of making them again and maybe using they on American soil. Instead of have the 700 dead in Iraq there could have been millions dead on our soil. Thank You President Bush! Yo have done a great job and I am ready for another four years."

[Note: Yes, isn't it amazing how Bush has defeated terrorism all over the world?]

3. "I was very alarmed by this book! Until I started reading it, that is. Initially, I thought some stealer of thoughts (Deanerini) had written of my supposedly forgotten "affair" at the Watergate Hotel. A few (seven) martinis and an unfortunate meeting with a shortish (4"7') redheaded trollope visiting from St. Louis resulted in Hoppy's first hotel eviction and a night on the lam. Nevertheless, this book does not tell of that Watergate incident or anything like it.
Instead, you get some clipped, sloppy writing by a face I remember from the tv something like 30 years ago. The title is misleading as the incident described in the book is nothing like Watergate (and certainly not worse--could anything be?). And besides, there is no mention of Redheaded Rita the bullrider. Disappointing..."

[Note: This one speaks for itself. Best review ever.]

4. "Garbage such as this simply makes me ill. We have troops at war, risking their lives to defend our freedem, while people like John Dean sit at home in their recliner chairs making money by taking shots at our commander and chief. Anyone who purchase books such as this should consider moving from the US, because they don't deserve to be called an American. Freedom of speech is most certainly an important right given to us, but with that right comes responsibility... and fabricating such garbage as this is a major abuse of that responsibility. George W. Bush is no Ronald Reagon (easily one of our best presidents ever), but he's certainly doing a much better job than most anyone else would or could. Our country must defend itself and must defend the world from tyrants like Hitler, Hussan, etc. If you let a tyrant grow into more and more power, or give a tyrant time to get weapons of horror, then eventually they will use them and we will have much larger problems than our current war to deal with... and millions rather than hundreds of Americans will pay the ultimate price. Of course guys like John Dean most certainly won't be out their paying that price... they will likely be sitting at home slandering our leaders to make a buck for themselves."

[Note: aka- the introductory chapter to Neoconservatism For Dummies]

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I do.


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