Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Kristol Lies, Who Dies?

Project For A New American Century superstar/chairman William Kristol was on the Daily Show last night. He was there to promote a new collected book of writings from the Weekly Standard, but the conversation was pretty much about the Iraq war. Jon was very polite, but still questioned him seriously about the Iraq blunders, both before and after the war. To quote Mr. Stewart as he greeted Kristol- "I have to give you credit... You were wrong about Iraq way before anyone else".

What really stood out to me was this part of the interview...

Stewart: "If they had put it before the American people as, to sell it to us not as weapons of mass destruction and not as other things, but sell it to us as a flowering of democracy in the Middle East..."

Kristol: "No one was for that, for the war for that reason. We thought there were weapons of mass destruction..."

Sorry to ruin your little neocon party, Bill, but you have to keep better track of your lies! I know you're very busy getting angry at the President over not catching Osama the deficit prisoner torture the Katrina aftermath Harriet Miers, but you need to keep on top of these things better. Apparently, you were not informed that Condoleeza Rice spilled the beans on Meet The Press last week (ignoring, of course, simply the Statement of Principles your organization wrote in 1997). Here's what Ms. "I believe the title was 'Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States'" Rice said on the show last weekend:

"But the fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al-Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al-Qaeda and perhaps after the Taliban and then our work would be done and we would try to defend ourselves.

Or we could take a bolder approach, which was to say that we had to go after the root causes of the kind of terrorism that was produced there, and that meant a different kind of Middle East

And here's what ol' Wolfowitz said in 2003:
"The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on, which was weapons of mass destruction, as the core reason."

The Condi quote/revelation in particular still blows me away...

How was this not major news? Hello, actual reason for controversial war revealed by Secretary of State on live television. Hello? Tim Russert, were you even paying attention? Hello? The statement completely contradicts the stated case for war and exposes almost all that preceded it as lies. Hello? Almost 2,000 Americans (and tens of thousands of civilians) dead because the White House "had a choice to make" about not going after Al Qaeda and wanted to "take a bolder approach". Hello?

How was this not major news?


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