Saturday, September 01, 2007

Weekend Odds and Ends

It's Labor Day weekend. Time to burn all my white shirts or something. Here's the news-

Suffering from mortgage problems? Fear not. President Bush is coming to save you.

Whoa, I thought that defining this war as being about oil makes someone a far-left moonbat: "Gasoline prices could rise to about $9 per gallon if the United States withdraws troops from Iraq prematurely, Rep. Jon Porter [R-NV] said he was told on a trip to Iraq." YIKES! Even if true, that's less a reason to stay in Iraq than it is to... you know, get off oil.

Democratic candidates will donate to charity money received from a controversial donor.

Fred Thompson, meanwhile, may finally stop pretending and actually run for President.

Univisión is holding Spanish debates for the candidates in September... except that the Republican debate has been cancelled. Only McCain would agree to participate. Típico.

Finally, universal healthcare should be as 'controversial' politically as free hugs and puppies.


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