Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why Didn't GOP Congress Issue Subpoenas To The Administration?

...Because Dick Cheney told them they couldn't. What a grand old party!

Meanwhile, Sen. Leahy held a press conference yesterday to tell the Bush administration that he was very cross with them for not meeting the deadline to hand over documents on the warrantless wiretapping program. And what is the Senator going to do about this? He's going to discuss it with other Committee members next month. You show the White House who's boss, Pat!

Seriously, guys, all these investigations have been illuminating and thorough. We appreciate that. But unless one of them is followed up with some kind of action, all you're doing is reconfirming for everyone what a bad administration this is. That's revelation, not accountability. Impeach the Attorney General. Hold some White House officials in contempt. Maybe even call up Sen. Feingold and ask him about his censure resolution. Anything to show that these actions have consequences.

Because the Bush administration spent their first 6 years believing that could get away with anything. Spoiler alert... they still do. And all the subpoenas in the world won't change that unless someone has the balls to rain down some justice on these folks.


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