Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Another group of domestic Keystone Terrorists-- six men-- have been apprehended before pulling off their totally, 100% brilliant scheme to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey... which they prepared for with paintball exercises and making training videos which they had their local video store copy for them.

The usual pants-wetter crowd is treating this with the utmost seriousness (and trying to squeeze the story through their personal anti-Islam, anti-immigrant prisms), but I have a good enough memory to understand the difference between some hyped-up psychotic wannabes and an actual threat to national security.

Some healthy skepticism from Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo, and The Carpetbagger Report.

The latter writes that "it’s worth noting that today’s success was due to intelligence gathering and law-enforcement efforts — the very techniques the Bush White House has consistently ridiculed as ineffective in counterterrorism. For that matter, as Steve M. noted, '[A]pparently no warrantless wiretapping led to these arrests, no torture of suspects in overseas prisons, nothing liberals have objected to in the Patriot Act. Remember that when you’re told that these arrests prove that we can’t trust liberals and Democrats.'"

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check if the fear terror level has been affected...

Terror Alert Level


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