Thursday, May 03, 2007

Quote of the Day: Navel-Gazing Edition

Washington Monthly's Kevin Drum on why liberal blogs are no match for right-wing media-
"By national radio and TV standards, that's not 'sizeable' at all. It's puny — and it's not growing much either. So it seems to me that Hertzberg was basically right: in the context of what it takes to support mass media, there just aren't very many liberals who are interested in listening to hour upon hour of seething resentment and raw contempt. That seems to still be a mostly conservative vice."

I think that's about right... red meat will always trump thoughtful analysis. Oh, and listening is easier than reading. The latter's active and the former is passive. Americans... not so into the active (does texting 'American Idol' votes count as active?).

Liberals will never out-scream the conservatives. We'll just have to hope that enough people have seen how inept conservative government is on the federal level to appreciate that a clear alternative is out there.

I won't hold my breath, but I'll cross my fingers (to mix my metaphors).


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