Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

From the must-watch interview with Sen. McCain on Tuesday's Daily Show-
Stewart: "But that assumes that we're fighting one enemy. They're fighting each other.... We're there keeping them from killing each other. 'Surrender' is not, we're not surrending to an enemy that has defeated us. We're saying, how do you quell a civil war when it's not your country?"

McCain: "I'm saying...."

[*Audience applauds*] ....

McCain: "I think I know whose side they're on." [referring to audience]

Stewart: "No, they're on America's side, because they're patriots."

Pt. 1-

Pt. 2-

Washington press corps, take notes... this is how you interview a politician.


At 7:26 PM, Blogger *DB* said...

I love Jon Stewart. L O V E. And why do we have to depend on a COMIC for actual journalism?

And where did McCain put his brain? Punk ass.


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