Monday, April 16, 2007

Not Cool

Dozens dead and/or wounded in the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history today at Virginia Tech.

Due yourself a favor, avoid the assuredly hysterical cable news coverage of this tragedy.

[UPDATE: Thanks to my friend Anthony, who suffered through CNN coverage, to tell me their headlines went from 'Massive Tragedy' to 'Monumental Tragedy' to 'Tragedy in Progress' to 'Bloodbath in Class' to finally 'Classroom Carnage'. Serious journalism in progress. Matt Drudge is using red font, cause red = blood, I assume.

Elsewhere, Michelle Malkin and a few other bloggers are on a second amendment/anti-gun control rant, insisting that the lesson here is that more of the students should've been armed (?!!?) so that way it could've ended in a fair shoot-out. And I'm waiting for Joe Lieberman to show up and blame Marilyn Manson.

Ugh, people. Families are mourning. Just... calm the fuck down, okay?]


At 3:58 PM, Blogger Naomi said...

Incidents like this always send everyone into a panic. It's a fact of life, guns are too readily available now and there is always some crazy person who'll do something like this. Seeing things like this makes you more aware of your own mortality. Nobody knows what's around the corner but you just hope that something like this will never happen to you. This was a terrible tragedy for all the students and families involved.


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