Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Generic Democrat...

...Will win in a landslide in 2008.

The actual candidates running? Notsomuch. What accounts for this? I don't know, but I think in the case of Sens. Clinton and Obama, good old-fashioned bigotry may play in. I think liberals take for granted the kind of prejudices (even if entirely unconscious) that lie in the center and the right... there are many who just aren't comfortable with the idea of a woman or a black President. So why not Edwards? Well, I like him, but he's hardly the party's best to offer. The party is putting forth their best celebrities, but not necessarily their best candidates.

Given the pathetic GOP front-runners, though, Democrats may just need to show up to win.

[PS- Time's Joe Klein brings up another reason to dread a Hillary Clinton presidency.]


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