Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Meanwhile, In Iraq...

Holy diplomacy, Batman! Perhaps realizing that The Decider's obviously flawless war plans might not succeed in smashing the populace into submission, our envoys in Iraq have been quietly engaging in talks with insurgent groups to reach a political solution-
The senior American envoy in Iraq, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, held talks last year with men he believed represented major insurgent groups in a drive to bring militant Sunni Arabs into politics.

“There were discussions with the representatives of various groups in the aftermath of the elections, and during the formation of the government before the Samarra incident, and some discussions afterwards as well,” Mr. Khalilzad said in a farewell interview on Friday at his home inside the fortified Green Zone. He is the first American official to publicly acknowledge holding such talks...

...Mr. Khalilzad’s willingness even to approach rebel groups seemed at odds with the public position of some Bush administration officials that the United States does not negotiate with insurgents...

Negotiations? Zalmay's old Project For A New American Century neocon pals won't like that.

And in the buried lede department, I also read this in the article-
Ahmad Chalabi, an Iraqi politician who is a friend of Mr. Khalilzad, said the talks fizzled partly because insurgent representatives made untenable demands. They sought a suspension of the Constitution, breakup of Parliament, reinstatement of the old Iraqi Army and establishment of a new government, he said.

Just some random politician who is a friend of Mr. Khalilzad? No mentions that Mr. Chalabi was one of the chief architects of the U.S. invasion and premier peddlers of the false intel that started this whole thing? Or that he was Laura Bush's personal guest at the 2004 State of the Union and a major White House ally in Iraq until it became too clear to the public what a shady character he is? Didn't think that'd be a worth a mention, Mr. Fancy NY Times Writer? Just some constructive criticism.

Finally, in the congressional debate over the war, Senate Republicans still decide to stick with the President and the war... if they ever mention either of them at all.

[PS- Did you know the army's still sending injured troops back into duty? It's true!]


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