Friday, February 02, 2007

Weekend YouTube Theatre

Well it's the weekend again at last. How was your week? Good, good. I'll kick things off with some recommended YouTube viewing... not one, but two videos! Guaranteed to keep you busy for at least the next 10 minutes or so.

-(1) The first is a Keith Olbermann 'Countdown' segment on the disturbingly similar rhetoric and actions between President Bush in 2002/2003 (when he was planning a war on Iraq) and now in 2007 (when he appears headed down a similar path with Iran). They say history repeats itself, but doesn't it usually take a few decades off? Watch-

Keith Olbermann on Bush's warmongering toward Iran

Related reading/commentary on where things stand for us in Iraq: Here and here. If all we're doing is training the militias and fueling a growing civil war, does that mean victory is nigh? Meanwhile, the U.S. defends its military build-up against Iran, while denying it's looking for war. Excuse me if I don't believe any party in this situation.

-(2) The second video is of lighter fare... video of a press conference of the "suspects" responsible for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie ad campaign that brought the city of Boston to its easily frightened knees. The two treat the press inquiry into the matter with all the seriousness it deserves. Enjoy-

Boston Ad Prank Suspects Talk About ... Hair

Background: here. Hilarious right-wing blog pants-shitting: here.

Please note that Homeland Security has revised the terror alert system in the wake of the foiled attack by the Mooninites in the city of Boston. Vigilance is recommended. If you see anything suspicious, please do NOT respond to it in a calm and orderly fashion; only the most hysterical reaction will do. Thank you.

Have a safe and frightened weekend. Go [insert name of preferred SuperBowl team here]!!!


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