Thursday, January 18, 2007

More Odds and Ends

Just some quick follow-ups on stories before I head home...

Glenn Greenwald, who's written about the warrantless wiretapping story more than most in the country outside of the NY Times (he even wrote a best-selling book on the President's theories of power), has written an article for Salon today on this. He tries to sift through the headlines of the administration's announcement and find out what's really going on.

He also live-blogged Gonzales' Senate Judiciary Committee appearance today; a must-read.

You know that whole accusing Democrats of coddling terrorists thing? Big misunderstanding.

Justin Rood at TPMmuckraker looks at part of that hearing devoted to the Bush administration's replacement of numerous U.S. Attorneys without Senate approval, as justified by a provision of the Patriot Act. Gonzales was, obviously, less than forthcoming with answers.

Meanwhile, Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke warns America of its impending fiscal doom.

With the initial '100 Hours' legislative agenda complete, Speaker Pelosi seeks to create a select committee on global warming; sets a July 4 deadline for a bill that would "truly declare our energy independence." Consider me skeptically optimistic.

And Rep. Kucinich (D-OH) wants to bring back the media fairness doctrine.

Time magazine bloggers are shocked- shocked!- that Republican Senators would sabotage the ethics reform bill.

(UPDATE: The Senate just passed the ethics bill on the second try, with two Republicans voting no. Unfortunately, the 'compromise' Sen. Reid made with the GOP was to allow them to re-offer their line-item demand as part of the next bill-- the minimum wage increase. That won't end well.)

Finally, tonight Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly appear on each other's shows. Must-TIVO.


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